Time zone: Europe America Asia


Bracket for Pro League Qualifiers The bracket is out now and DotaLive along with GosuGamers will be casting the event. Everything happens this Saturday!
Geno20.04.2012 08:0433562
NON-Pro Registration for Americas The registration for the PRO League Qualifier and the NON PRO Qualifier are now closed. There are over 30 teams registered for both qualifiers so we are going to be closing it because it has reached the 16th.
Geno16.04.2012 10:0432050
Step by step: Qualification #2 The first qualification is already behind us. It's time to look forward and meet with teams who will fight for the second slot in the main part of our tournament. PowerRangers, Fnatic, ex-NEXT.kz, youBoat - these guys will give us a lot of good games and fun.
McDeee14.04.2012 05:0463489
EU Regional Qualification ProDota2 League is glad to announce, that our qualifiers will be starting this week and we're looking forward to great coverage and actioin. The best professional teams in the Europe will be qualifying for the 2 slots in the Pro league. Darer, mTw, Dignitas, NEXT.Kz, youBoat and team Infused will be taking part in our quafiers.
McDeee12.04.2012 03:0475494
Razer USA Ltd. is our new partner Today we are happy to announce our new partner for Prodota Season 1, and one already well-known for its support of global e-Sports as well as the DotA genre – Razer USA Ltd. Razer have been long-term supporters of e-Sports and competitive gaming, investing in professional e-Sports events and tournaments, teams, players and community websites for over a decade, accumulating a wealth of experience and know-how in the world of e-Sports. We are most glad that Razer has chosen to sponsor this first season of Prodota2 for what will undoubtedly be one to remember.
DTSXPEH10.04.2012 02:0440376
American Pro League Qualifiers You want a chance to participate in the Pro League with the big boys? This is your chance!
Geno09.04.2012 10:0434962
Qualifying rules and stream request update We have received questions about qualifying for our PRO and NON-PRO League, and we would like to clarify our stance.
Jaywalker05.04.2012 02:0440606
Two top teams join ProDota2 Asia We are delighted to announce that teams MUFC and DK have accepted our invitation to participate in our ProDota2 Worldwide League.
Jaywalker05.04.2012 02:0428382
CLC joins ProDota2 Worldwide League ProDota2 welcomes China powerhouse CLC as they join the Asia region and battle against other invited teams.

Read more to find out their roster, as well as an updated list of Asia invited teams.
Geno03.04.2012 09:04410524
SEA teams ready to prove themselves Five South East Asia teams have accepted the invitation to feature in ProDota2's worldwide League, and look set to provide lots of action.

Read more to find out the teams that have been invited.
Geno03.04.2012 09:0436074
EU Qualification #1: Friday the 13th! ProDota2 is happy and a little afraid to announce that the first qualifiers for Europe will be scheduled in April, on Friday the 13th.

Teams Darer, Western Wolves, Dignitas and Epidemic will fight to clinch a slot in the main part of the Prodota 2 League, where $20,000 worth of prize money are given.

Read more to find out the timing, and how to request streaming rights.
McDeee03.04.2012 06:0459692
Registration for NON Pro qualification is OPEN Are you ready for battle in NON Pro league for $10K? To participate in NON Pro worldwide Dota 2 league you should signup on www.prodota2.com/forum and apply for your division (American, European, or Asian) registration period is from April 3, 2012 till April 16, 2012. One captain will be signing the entire team up on the forums with Steam profiles attached to each member of the roster. Each roster can have a minimum of five players and a maximum of eight players. There will be more details on qualifying in the forums and news for each regions.
DTSXPEH03.04.2012 00:0464154
7 Invited American teams, 1 Open Qualifier ProDota2 is proud to announce that top American Dota teams have accepted the invitation to challenge for the total prize pool of $20000.

Read more to find out the list of teams, as well as one more slot to be won through qualifiers.
Jaywalker02.04.2012 18:0446352
Welcome to the first worldwide Dota 2 League We are excited to finally announce Season 1 of Prodota 2 League! We know that it has been teased as an announcement and even our trailer video was leaked so everyone got to take a look at what's in store for everyone. There will be matches in every region that everyone can follow. We are also allowing anyone to cast any matches they want to. The best teams will be playing against each other in the PRO section of the league while up and coming amateur teams can also try and qualify for the remaining PRO league spots.
DTSXPEH01.04.2012 09:04411310