Time zone: Europe America Asia

7 Invited American teams, 1 Open Qualifier

7 Invited American teams, 1 Open Qualifier
Jaywalker02.04.2012 18:0444092

ProDota2 is proud to announce that top American Dota teams have accepted the invitation to challenge for the total prize pool of $20,000.

We have invited the following American teams as they battle for the top two placing in their group stage to win the chance of advancing to the playoffs and fight against other teams from Europe and Asia.

The American teams that have been invited are:
It's Gosu eSports
Evil Genius
INCL Gaming
Captain Planet

The 7 aforementioned teams will be joined by another team that will be chosen from Qualifiers. You can register your team by proceeding to the Forums here . Registration is open to all teams.

Hunter more than a year ago
На первой жеш
ParLL more than a year ago
when ll be the games of Qualifer?

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