Time zone: Europe America Asia

American Pro League Qualifiers

American Pro League Qualifiers
Geno09.04.2012 10:0433262
Captains can apply in that topic to play in the qualifier that will take place April 21 at 1 PM EST.  Please follow the rules and I am announcing now that DotaLive will be casting the Pro League Qualifiers.

You can check out DotaLive here at http://dotalive.net/

Update:  Teams that participate in Pro League Qualifier and do not qualify will be placed in the next NON Pro Qualifier.

The stream will be at www.Twitch.tv/dotalive

IamChIcO08 more than a year ago
GL :))
choiie more than a year ago
I'm casting this in swedish at twitchtv.com/choiie, enjoy :)

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