Time zone: Europe America Asia

SEA teams ready to prove themselves

SEA teams ready to prove themselves
Geno03.04.2012 09:0433964
Five South East Asia teams have accepted the invitation to feature in ProDota2's worldwide League, and look set to provide lots of action.

The teams will battle it against each other in the Asia region as they fight to proceed to the playoffs, where they will seek to prove their competence in Dota 2.

Asia Invited Teams:
Absolute Legends
Orange eSports

The teams will be joined by three more teams, where two of the final invitations will go to China. Stay tuned as we update the final invitation list.
Avatar screamer screamer more than a year ago
gl hf
Delaforse more than a year ago
daite etomy yebky huevogo
Sharatrue more than a year ago
Avatar DuskBin.RyuriaL DuskBin.RyuriaL more than a year ago
How does one get an invite for this?

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