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Prodotas 2 Pro Play-off Schedule!

Prodotas 2 Pro Play-off Schedule!
McDeee02.08.2012 12:08134530
It's been a long journey thus far in ProDotA 2 with plenty of exicting matches and still much more to come in the next couple of days.  With the play-offs of the Pro's division reaching their climactic conclusion we have CLG vs Orange and Zenith vs INFS. Schedule for the tournament:

Playday 1 (August, 1)

 Potm Bottom [2:1]  iG  (game 1, game 2, game 3)
 Quantic [2:0]  mouZ - (game 1, game 2)

Playday 2 (August, 2)
 CLG [2:0]  Orange eSports - 15:00 CET, bo3, US WEST
 Infused [2:0]  Zenith (bo3, US West) - 18:00 CET, bo3, US WEST

Playday 3 (August, 3)
 CLG [2:0]  Infused (bo3) - 18:30 CET
 Potm Bottom [2:0]  Quantic  (bo3) - 21:30 CET

Playday 4  - (August, 4)
 mouZ [1:0]  Zenith  - 16:30 CET
 Quantic [0:1]  mouZ - 17:30 CET
 Invictus [1:0]   Orange  - 18:30 CET
 Infused [1:0]  Invictus - 19:30 CET
WB Final (bo3) - 20:30 CET

Playday 5 (August, 5)
 Infused vs  mouZ (bo1) - 16:30 CET
LB Final (bo1) - 17:30 CET
Grand Final (bo5) - 18:30 CET

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