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Draskyl interviews EG.Bulba!

Draskyl interviews EG.Bulba!
Draskyl23.05.2012 22:0538031
First question, how did you come about becoming interested in DotA and how long have you been playing (competitively or otherwise)?

I was playing dota competitively on and off for the past few years. I started playing a lot more in anticipation for Dota 2. 

Is there any advice you might have for up-and-coming middle players or carry roles who are struggling to break the gap between mid to high skill?

Foremost, to play as much as possible and watch as much as possible. Watching Dota pros play help a lot because the mid tiers of Dota depend a lot on picks and strategy. If you get the cores down and strategy down, you can improve drastically. Try and mimic what the DotA pros do and analyze all your mistakes by watching replays. 

Changing up the pace a bit, how often do you guys practice as a team and do you have any constant scrimming partners?

We have only started practicing recently with our new roster. Maelk is on vacation in the US at the moment and should be back shortly. In the past week, we have started to practice daily and versus as many teams as possible. After going into the complexity games last week or so with barely any idea of what to ban or pick versus them and very little scrim time, we knew we had to make a drastic change and couldn’t just wait around for Jacob (maelk) to come back. It sucks to use a stand-in that we are not planning to use in the future but we have to make do with what we have. Bdiz is a really good player and he was the best candidate for us to use till Maelk is back. They play similar roles but he obviously doesn’t have enough experience as Maelk does which hurts a lot. 

What are your most memorable tournament matches thus far in the short history of DotA 2?

Probably the second Joindota masters when I was on team it’s Gosu. It was a really fun format and we won of course. I also got to play my favorite hero, Tinker! Best match is probably the game versus Na’Vi in starladder with EG. It was a really epic game and came down to the wire. 

Do you feel that in the future it will be viable for more teams to make a "living" off of playing DotA 2 competitively?

For now, it depends on the sponsor they have and the achievements they make. Realistically however, it is hard for any players to make a living off prize pool in tournaments besides the International. Unlike star craft 2, Dota’s prize pool is split between 5 players. You would need 5x the prize pool of a tournament that would be considered viable in Starcraft 2 in Dota 2 for it to have the same effect. 

How many hours would you say you dedicate daily to playing DotA 2, as a team and by yourself?

I play mostly in-house leagues if I am playing DotA 2 by myself. Exams are finally over so I am free this summer pretty much every day. As a team, we have started playing a lot together this past 2 weeks. If the time gets late and we don’t have a team to scrim versus we usually Inhouse or matchmake together but I prefer clan wars any time, any day. 

Recently we saw Demon sitting in the drafting seat for EG, does he do captaining now or do you typically have everyone contribute?

Well, our main drafter is not here at the moment so we have to draft as a team. I analyze a lot of pro-games since I watch most of them so I know what other teams love to pick. Fear has tons of experience as a captain and he probably provides most of the input. DeMoN just wanted to pick that day so he sat in the seat. Till Maelk is back, we won’t have a main captain but will draft as a whole. There are positives and negatives to this but we have to make do. 

Which hero do you miss the most currently from Warcraft 3 DotA?

Most of my favorite heroes from DotA 1 are already in DotA2 but I have a few heroes I would like to see. Slark, TA, and techies are probably three. Tauren chieftain was also very fun. 

We all know that there was word about The International 2 and how they'd only be inviting stable roster teams, do you feel as though EG still deserves a spot after having picked up two new members recently?

Definitely. Unfortunately however, the timing for both Maelk to leave and us to make the roster change came at the worst time. We had to go into matches with only 4 players and barely any practice together and they didn’t go so well. One thing in DotA 2 is you can’t just win games off individual skill. Picks and strategy are like 50 percent and we lacked that in most of the games. I know that when Maelk is back we will practice as much as possible for all upcoming events. Our players have some of the most experience in the Dota competitive scene online and offline They are legends in their own right and we are ready to commit all our energy and time for both Dreamhack and The International. 

With more of the prominent Asian teams finally transfering over to DotA 2 do you feel as though the scene will begin to shift into their favor? 

It always depends on who will practice more and train more. Asians have been known in every e-sport to excel at this. I think it will, however, take longer than what people think because the western teams are training as hard. Having been a devout follower of the Chinese DotA 1 scene, it’s awesome to see all the Chinese legends switch into DotA 2. The games still are completely different in their own ways so it will be a bit hard to overcome that initial bump but if anyone can do it, it is these players and teams.

Who is your favorite player to watch and why?

Dendi ,DK.Super, and EHOME.dai

Thanks for your time! Any shout-outs or final "thoughts" you have?

Shoutout to my team, EG, my sponsors, Inphinity, sayuri and all my Nadota friends! 
more than a year ago
I love dota2 so much.

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